Fever Symptoms
Fever Symptoms |
after reading the treatment of children with fever, now you also have to know what is fever symptoms and a natural herbal remedy that can rid fever rapidly and of course with healthy ways.
The most appropriate treatment is to choose the traditional way, around your house or neighborhood sometime you dont realize there are a lot of plants that can be used to reduce children fever.
Here’s herbs / natural treatment for fever:
Red Onion |
- Red Onion
The content which is in the onion is very good for the health. Among the essential oils, sikloalin metilalin, floroglusin and quercetin.all content in onions is beneficial to reduce the heat. How to make is simply by washing five red onions and peeled. Then shredded or crushed and add a few drop of coconut oil or eucalyptus oil. After that smeared into the child's body, especially the head crown, back, abdomen, thighs, arms and feet .. you should know onions are often used to reduce the heat in babies from ancient
Turmeric |
- Turmeric
Turmeric is a spice in cooking used usually by Asian and Indian cuisine, but lately western cuisine now also started using turmeric as a spice in cooking. Turmeric is believed to be a traditional remedy for fever children. Besides contain essential oil compounds, turmeron, curcumin, turmeric is also contains zingiberen, the substances that can serve as antinflamasi, anti-oxidants and also antibacterial that able to reduce fever symptoms. how to make is very easy, grated turmeric which is about 1 knuckle / equivalent to 15 g, mixed with half a glass of hot water. Once cool, squeeze the mixture and take the juice just to be given to your baby. Do not forget to mix it with a few drop of lemon and honey to increase rapidly treatment function.
Wild Ginger |
- Wild Ginger / Curcuma Xanthorrhiza
Researchers have discovered that wild ginger has germacrene active substances, alpha beta curcumena, xanthorrhizol and the other substance which very good for body health. Benefits of wild ginger is for anti-inflammatory / inflammation, antibiotics and also increase the production and secretion of bile. Curcuma famous among sinshe (traditional Chinese doctor) as a remedy for fever, also drug jaundice, increased appetite, heartburn, diarrhea and flatulence.
Coconut |
- Coconut water
Actually even when your child is not sick, drink coconut water is very good for the body health. The content contained in coconut water much dominated by minerals and kalium. And This substance will react more quickly you got fever, because when the body secretes much fluid is in the form of sweat to lower body temperature then coconut water will serve as a substitute sweat.
Well, now after knowing the herbal remedy for fever, you do not need to worry too much if suddenly your child's got fever symptoms. Those are some natural ingredients that you can use and use it to reduce it. is easy to get it, even you do not realize that already have in your kitchen.
well ... hopefully this article can relieve a little of your worried and give a little information about herbal remedy for children , hopefully with the above materials can be utilized as well as possible to reduce the fever symptoms.
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