
Lose weight simple

Lose weight without diet, with no food restrictions, no exercise

Lose weight without diet
Lose weight without diet

Can be it real? !! yeahh of course, im not joking...its already proven, sounds like impossible right, all you got to do is...


Do you know our usual eating habits haste makes us fat faster and increase the potential for obesity.

Here is the science reason of why you have to chew more while eat
The survey results revealed that 73% of the public in the UK suffer from digestive complaints and found the cause was chewing food with less good. The average person spends just 23 minutes a day to chew and eat their food. 
Chewing food is mechanical and chemical activity in the oral cavity. Mechanically chewing break down large molecules into smaller ones, but it makes the food becomes warmer and softer. Chemically, these activities beneficial to increase the efficiency of the enzymes break down the saliva.

Lose weight without diet
Digestive system
Chewing food is very important to make sure food is fully digested, because one thing and the other is not all food intake can be digested in the stomach because it needed the help of the mouth to digest before being delivered into the abdomen. 

Do you know saliva contains an enzyme (lysozyme) that are useful in destroying pathogens that are transmitted through food and can cause serious illness and even death (food poisoning). More you chew, it more easy to produce anti-bacterial enzyme and that means more safe for potential food poisoning.

The reason chew more able to lose weight

In fact the brain and stomach (gastric) working together when we eat and drink, the stomach will deliver a satiety signal to the brain and it takes about 20 minutes to deliver the signal. So if you eat and chew haste then it is not enough time to send signals from brain to your stomach that you have full. This causes you to eat more and consume excessive calories, so the weight will go up.
Eat quickly habit in a long time will force the stomach muscles to be stretched and enlarged which means that increasingly more food needed to be able to feel satiated (now you know why every day we have to increase the portion in order to feel full)

Digestive health
Digestive health
Here are some health problems that occur when people are accustomed to eating too fast, as reported by MedlinePlus:

1. Abdominal pain (indigestion and upset stomach)
When you eat too quickly will increase the risk of digestive disorders such as abdominal pain or upset stomach. Upset stomach and digestion usually have many symptoms eg burning sensation with feeling of heaviness in the stomach (it was like eating rocks), a bitter taste in the mouth and pain in the abdomen.
When indigestion has been very severe, sometimes often mistaken for a heart attack. The discomfort usually subsides when the body has a chance to break down the food too quickly ditelah it.

2. Weight gain and oberitas
Brain and stomach work together to control appetite and the process does not happen instantly. It takes about 20 minutes for the stomach to communicate with the brain and let you know that you already feel full.
If you eat too fast, the calories will accumulate before the body has a chance to tell the brain that you feel full. Because it relies on abdominal discomfort (emotional satisfaction) and not from brain signals, then people who eat too fast will consume too many calories which makes risk of becoming obese and obesity (overweight).

3. Not sensitive to signals of hunger and satiety
According to Peace Health Medical Group of Washington, Alaska and Oregon, people who eat too fast will not be sensitive to signals of hunger and satiety. And if the habit of eating too quickly is not changed, then you can lose signal hunger and satiety altogether. If this is the case, then you can eat at any time in accordance with the emotions is no longer a signal of the body and the brain.

So, it is better after reading and knowing this ... you start the habit of chewing more, in addition to reducing your weight could also be healthier in your digestive

Lets start healty habits together
