Prostate Cancer Symptoms |
Understanding of prostate cancer
Prostate cancer is a malignant tumor that grows in the prostate, a pea-sized gland below the bladder that functioning produce men sperm. Generally, prostate cancer grows slowly but is a malignant cancer and can spread to other body parts, such as bones and lymph nodes.Prostate located at the bottom of the bladder on the right and left ureta. Prostate cancer generally begin at 40 or 50 ages, although some are getting into trouble at the age of 30 years.
Mostly prostate cancer does not cause symptoms due to slow its spread. In some cases, it just felt when already spreads to the bones (especially the spine, pelvis and ribs) or kidneys (which this can causing kidney failure). Bone cancer causing pain to the sufferer and cause bones to become fragile, so prone to fractures (broken bones).
Prostate cancer symptoms
In the general case, Prostate cancer symptoms almost could not be seen, estimated 80% of men who reach the age of 70 not knowing if had a prostate cancer, it because of cancer growth slowly.In advanced stages of prostate cancer symptoms and signs include: Troubled / difficult / painful when had urination, reduced quantity of urine, urine containing blood, discomfort in the pelvic area and bone pain
Causes of prostate cancer
it is still unclear what causes prostate cancer. Most doctors believe that prostate cancer begins when the prostate cells that turn out to be abnormal. Abnormal cell mutations that cause cells to grow more rapidly than normal cells, and when the normal cells die, these cells will not die. Continuous accumulation of these abnormal cells accumulate and form tumors grew to invade surrounding tissues and even many abnormal cells can spread to other parts of the body.
Preventing prostate cancer
There are some things we can do to prevent prostate cancer :- Lowering cholesterol level
Excessive levels of cholesterol in the body is converted into the hormone testosterone, which excessive levels of testosterone affect enlargement and enlargement of the prostate tissue. Some doctors even ask patients to lower cholesterol levels below 200 mg / dl to help reduce prostate cancer enlargement
- Cut fatty / junkfoods and increase green food
it seems we already know that reduce fatty foods and increase green foods good for the body, not just for prostate cancer health
- Do not sit too long
sitting too long will suppress prostate continuously, it's good to stand up and walk a little when you work
- Ejaculate regularly
This is still much debated by the doctor, but most believe that regular ejaculations will nourish the prostate cancer and prevent blockage.
- Do not hold when you had a pee
holding urine in addition adversely affects the prostate but also can be a cause of urinary tract infections, so it's good you do not hold urine for a long time
Prostate cancer treatment options
Prostate cancer treatment options |
- Surgery
In the low stage, prostate cancer treatment options involves surgery that remove the cancer through surgical procedure by lifting the gland prosat. And if the cancer is only located in one location then the chances for a full recovery is high, but this action still can cause some side effects, shortage of urination and impotence is some bad side effects.
while cancer that has spread and more severe stage then prostate cancer treatment options need to takes orkiektomi action or surgical removal of the testis. This operation is usually performed for the treatment of prostate cancer that has spread to other body tissues.
This method is the medical treatment of cancer in addition to other treatment regimens that radical prostatectomy. In other words, orkiektomi is the treatment of prostate cancer in men by castrated.
- Imunotherapy ( Provenge )
Most of case use the Provenge immunotherapy vaccine that aims to make the body's immune system to recognize cancer cells and destroy them all at once. Provenge vaccine has been approved by the FDA and is now widely used by doctors in the treatment of prostate cancer.
Provenge vaccine actually possessed high effectiveness and side effects are minimal, unfortunately the price of Provenge vaccine is still too expensive for most people. Thats why Provenge not well known among us.
- Natural herbal therapy
Recent research in medical terms has shown that the soursop leaves contain substances that are necessary for health. These compounds are important compounds that are widely used in the medical world as a remedy for several diseases.
Scientific research is mentioned that the soursop leaves contain several kinds of compounds such as acetogenins, annocatacin, annocatalin, acid gentisit, acid lonoleat and caclourin which according to recent studies it is recognized that these compounds has a potential 10 thousand times better when compared to chemotherapy for healing process of cancer, particularly prostate cancer treatment.
How it works soursop leaves is selective, in contrast to the workings of chemotherapy not only attack cancer cells but also attack the body's cells that are still healthy, so chemotherapy has side effects that ugly namely nausea and hair loss. This contrasts with soursop leaf therapies that have active cells so it does not cause any side effects to the body.
How to make it simple, just follow this step :
Take the leaves of the soursop (10-15 pieces) then simply boiled in 3 cups of water (600 cc), leave to only the remaining 1 cup boiling water. Drink twice a day and drink when it still warm every morning and evening for 3-4 weeks.Note: Please note, making soursop leaf should be started from the leaf to the 4th or 5th of the end of the twig / leaf farthest. It is intended to pick leaves that are not too young and not too old, because when the leaves too young, not many compounds are formed. While for leaves that are too old, the levels have been reduced
So...what you gonna choose for prostate cancer treatment options...
Me personally, will go for natural herb ways...its easy, its safer and most important..its work!!